Sunday, April 24, 2011

Taizhou and Wenzhou direction

Spring, and a lot of ALICE are arranging a junket , I was an of them , I spent always daytime sorting out flowers because hikers and scenic attractions , including the specifics of a massive area , activities, transportation, Eating , ticket type, and a series of detailed information to assist the culling of the passengers traveling at motorcar peregrination , saving period and wish to aid you entire have a pleasant junket !
Destination: Hangzhou Polar Ocean Park
residence : Lake of Hangzhou , Hangzhou Xiaoshan Xianghu Polar Ocean Park
the crowd: juvenile and old
Hangzhou Polar Ocean Park offers information above :
retail price of adult stamp amount of ¥ 150 ¥ 140 the same access apt retention money ¥ 2 ¥ 12 < br> Children's ticket retail price of ¥ 100 ¥ 90 with the way prices to save money ¥ 2 ¥ 12
retail price of household package price of ¥ 400 ¥ 360 the same way to save money ¥ 2 ¥ 42

Family Package : (2 adults + 1 baby beneath 1.3 meters )
Hangzhou Polar Ocean Park Route :
Huzhou , Nanjing directions: on the reservoir lifted r Fuxing Bridge (IV Bridge ) r r Hangzhou customs Polar Ocean Park Boulevard
Anhui, Linan Direction: Hang Hui Tong, high-speed transmit r r r leaving the Qiantang River Bridge, South Boulevard r r r customs Road , Fuyang , Hangzhou Polar Ocean Park
direction: rotate Tong Yuan Pu Bridge entry r r r neatness Hangzhou Polar Ocean Park Boulevard
Jinhua, Lishui , Wenzhou direction: Xiao Shannan Shushan Road exit r r Polar Ocean Park
Hangzhou , Ningbo, Taizhou and Wenzhou direction: r Jincheng Road, Xiaoshan , Hangzhou backup r Polar Ocean Park
Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport: Xiaoshan airport exit export r r Jincheng Road, Xiaoshan , Hangzhou Polar Ocean Park

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