Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I consider it is secure to dine shrimp

Recently, some friends and depart a information on my blog, asking both prawns and vitamin C, can lead to arsenic poisoning.
I do not know how long the history of human eat them, if it is before eating crabs. Only in respect of a clinical doctor's awareness of arsenic poisoning patients to see their work due to exposure to prevalent diseases, misuse remedies, and environmental pollution. also know thatin some regions of the arsenic content in drinking water is also high, alternatively high levels of arsenic in coal, leading to endemic arsenic poisoning. If both shrimps and vitamin C can lead to arsenic poisoning case, for going through to eat from eat, take the initiative to adapt the diet of the people, is undoubtedly a heavy blow.
consumers to respond the answer I deliberately to explore the pertinent message, the results wondered me. It has been reported in Taiwan, a girl suddenly died suddenly for no cause QiQiao bloodshed, eat them no problem in itself, but the deceased was also taking vitamin C, the problem is out here! , friends exclaimed: I just ate 20 shrimp and 2 oranges, what to do!
that eat them lead poisoning, there is a large crack down the suspects. shrimps many varieties, producing a lot. shrimp arsenic induced poisoning, first identified the shrimp as . The results show that if the object as the detection of entire shrimp, sweet shrimp samples in the Arctic lead 0.172mg/kg (citizen health standards 0.5mg/kg), aggregate mercury 0.032mg/kg (citizen health standard 0.5mg/kg) , cadmium 0.788mg/kg (citizen health standards 0.5mg/kg), inorganic arsenic 0.036mg/kg (national health standards 0.5mg/kg),beijing massage, appending of cadmium surpassed the standards, national standards for the remaining arrows can pass the control test. < br> learn base that shrimp's head is the cardinal portion of heavy metal enrichment, as head of the prawn is not our knowledge is routinely the , kidneys and other apparatuses party of the site. Even so, the head of the prawn test results exceeded the standards in addition to cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic content are in line with China's health standards. It can be concluded that shrimp is not a , the food safety issues and other aquatic products no necessary feud; the so-called problem of arsenic in shrimp in vivo, but also with other heavy metal pollution in aquatic consistent; aquatic pollution is the case, not for of ;, said fish occasioned mercury poisoning.
Arsenic is an antique poison, arsenic is generally considered the German Albertus Magnus in 1250 to co-heating realgar and get soap; in truth, is the arsenic of the archaic alchemists The first discoverer. According to historical records, about 317 AD, China's alchemists Gehong with realgar, turpentine, saltpeter, arsenic refining 3 materials. based on years of clinical studies, people have knowledge of arsenic poisoning With a considerable understanding.
likewise dine them and vitamin C tin guide apt the machinery of arsenic poisoning is not convincing. First, the toxicity of arsenic and its compounds, to a large extent rely aboard its water solubility. toxicology showed namely the toxicity of trivalent arsenic ions than pentavalent arsenic ions. trioxide toxic ,0.8-2mg / kg may lead to an mature poisoning. The keen toxicity of arsenic pentoxide is likewise a extremely toxic class, rat To half of the experimental beast population 8mg/kg decease; mice evoked by spoken 55mg/kg half the animals died. It can be penetrated, guide poisoning pentavalent arsenic, trivalent arsenic without into.
said pentavalent arsenic in vitamin C transformed into the role of trivalent arsenic, I did not find assist of the relevant literature, but seen in the 300C. conditions, arsenic pentoxide will lose some oxygen and converted to arsenic trioxide. surmise that the contention is that vitamin C is acidic, cater reduction of hydrogen ions and thus melodrama a role. If we think whichever intake of food, should first come into adjoin with the acidic surroundings of the stomach, and then anxiety about vitamin C on the reduction of pentavalent arsenic, is tantamount to querying for trouble.
on Earth is a microcosm of the Earth's environment. living species on this planet, the body of material more or less reflects the existence of substances in the environment,loser hero. This namely too in line with the Olympic spirit, so people do not quest the feasibility of arsenic-free products. life on this planet species, is gradually accustom to Earth's ecological products, studies have shown that creatures must enter the body of the low toxicity of arsenic into alphabetical arsenic, and retention, metabolic capability, and also in humans.
taken to lest arsenic proceeds, you can eat shrimp pate, merely not anything utmost. Studies have shown that arsenic is also a absence to trace the human body, utmost lack of health ambition worsen people's ambition. sheep, miniature pigs and fowls results show fared,toronto escorts, arsenic in drinking water is cheap, resulting in growth retardation, pregnancy cutback, more spontaneous abortions, the mortality rate is higher. It was observed that in the long-term hemodialysis patients, the cutback of arsenic content in the blood, may be related with central nervous system system disorders, vascular ailments narrated to tall.
summer heat will presently be over, the usher in autumn when the market is large concentrations of shrimp season, I muse it is secure to eat shrimp, as there exist no vitamin C , not mistrust, people's regular diet, which edible does not contain a considerable dose of vitamin C do? However, prawns and Victoria C, not arsenic poisoning!

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