Friday, April 22, 2011

amusement. exposure apt jungle animals

and animals up close, stimulating fun! free sightseeing car; the rare and protected animal habitats; China's largest breeding base of wild animals; fit together with friends and family to watch free of charge for children under 1 m 2 .!
details of the single-
only 58 yuan! Beijing Wildlife Park Pass! return to nature, close to animals! have the guts to come right up close with the beast! take the kids to the zoo with the tiger face to face with moose kiss perfect interpretation of the intimate contact with nature! free of charge for children beneath 1 m 2! Beijing 包邮!
Beijing Wildlife Park Wildlife Park is located in Daxing District of Beijing Yufa Town mu forests, by the State Forestry Administration accepted project the Beijing Municipal Government, Beijing green Riverside Co., Ltd. invested in the construction set of animal protection, wildlife domestication, breeding and science education for an of the major natural ecological park. park covers an area of ​​3600 mu with total investment of one hundred and fifty million yuan , a accumulation of rare wild animals from approximately the world more than 200 kinds of 10,000 head. Beijing Wildlife Park in backyard, polyculture displays of wild animals, set up viewing areas dissipate into the atmosphere, hiking viewing area, animal shows and entertainment district, popular science education and children's zoo and so on, has a theme of animal farm, the Museum 32.
set dissipate into the atmosphere viewing place, viewing place above foot, animal shows and entertainment district, renowned science teaching and children's zoo, has a theme of animal plough, the Museum 31. in the animal dissipate into the air district, groups of wolves and cattle, lions and baboons live attach in an area controlled along the digit of its approach in the power of a dynamic equilibrium, resulting in a confrontation between the effects of equality and a muscular visual impact. In the walker viewing area, you tin emulate the deer, roe deer, squirrels and other obedient animals, sport. exposure to jungle animals, the context, to accomplish the best integration with nature.
animal venues in the subject, you can watch the world's largest people were citizen first class protected animal breeding brown rainbow pheasant tail, white-tailed tiny rainbow pheasant, green tail and other rare animal species Monal, but too can watch a quite rare mammoth panda, golden monkey, which is the first to show the earth Guizhou golden ape. the garden also, the students opened the popular science education bottom of jeopardized animals, children's zoo and playground. animal shows and entertainment district provide visitors a variety of exciting animal shows, get extra satisfaction.
】 【vast sum of wildlife < br> This large-scale, colossal populations in a variety of wild animals disheveled, visitors can take the tour in the winding mountain road 10 km from the near viewing lions, bears, tigers, panthers sturdy ferocious exterior; also appreciation of the pedestrian area giraffe, zebra, monkeys and other tame animals, and they play; in the mountains, the wasteland has a Roman-style wild animal revitalization site, visitors can be surprised to discern the tiger, lion, wolf predation, the field survival training scenarios; in the fruitful jungle, only a few rare pearly tiger, eye-opener; everywhere Cang Yi of the antique Great Wall, the people feel the vicissitudes of Chinese history and mores heritage.
visit Beijing Wildlife Park Route:
resort south line of rare animals
Golden Monkey House Museum ---- ---- ---- Wood Drive birds lemur lion hamadryad Museum ---- Museum Island ---- Liger Animal Arena ---- ---- ---- Yeyahu edible centre drive ---- Enclosures District North Line Plaza resort

Zoo ---- Children's Museum of nocturnal animals - - cockfighting battlefield --- rare forest birds, birds in North Center ---- ---- ---- Waterfowl Lake Pavilion tropical birds ---- ---- Enclosures Enclosures District, Station Square area peregrination < br> center line
dove theme resort Peacock Garden Square ---- ---- ---- Kangaroo Crocodile Park Arena songbird corridor ---- ---- ---- Parrot Bird Arena Plaza Square
car ---- Enclosures Garden District Time: 8:30-17:00 Open entire year Special Note
effective consumption
Date: Until May 31, 2011
purchase Please complete when the allocation residence, zip code, the consignee and telephone
1 m 2 children free of dictate, 1 m 2-1 m 4 can purchase half-price 45 per child, please go instantly to the area of ​​business buy
Zoo Hours: 8:30 m night 17:00
animal shows Hours: 10:30 m11: 00, pm 2:30 m3: 00
catered truck park ride (take care of themselves 10 yuan / person), you can close
to watch and fared the animals they mention
child to go, and do not memorize the amount, but quite good fun, than the feeling of near the zoo a lot, which the huge, immediately think approximately how many photos did not few do, into a place full of birds, so close, ah, I really like animals, really relatively chilly -
away from wild beasts so near to truly activate the feel nice people meditation I favor beasts, like a baby the emotion of seeing the zoo animals back apt nature away from the community to feel restless -
the first group namely
surprise every daytime.
buy from the premier start a merry life!
Customer Service Hotline: 400 - 668-0506
Customer Service Hotline :400-668-0506
QQ: 984531951 374238898
Details Address:

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