Thursday, April 28, 2011

apt enhance the upgrading of industrial structure

In recent annuals, China's economy developed rapidly, but in economic development,escorts toronto, China's energy and the environment likewise has paid a tremendous amount. Many places,toronto escorts, primarily the county economic area, in order to achieve excellent leaps and bounds, faster development, and by the waste of resources , consumption of the environment, in interchange for the high GDP growth. small cement plants, small electroplating factories,shanghai escort, small foundries, small paper mills, one along one horse, energy consumption and serious environmental pollution. that happens, On the one hand is the doing of local administration, on the additional hand in the energy saving with the banks did not play very well on the norm of credit leverage has a direct relationship.
With the correction of citizen policy guidance and supervision of law enforcement increases massive, this portion does no encounter the requirements of environmental conservation and stamina saving industries and enterprises, will face more stringent plan of sanctions, a number of tall stamina consumption and high polluting enterprises ambition be shut down alternatively compelled to shut down. Therefore, the banking industry in this class enterprises have to enhance the awareness of risk hindrance, the high energy consumption, high pollution and high emissions to be behind the undertaking enough care to honor risk.
present, the location is very solemn energy saving for the banking industry, this either an chance and a dare in the development of circular economy background, China's banking industry should support the development of recycling economy and the innovation environment of credit mechanism of financial products on an organic system, focusing on the alphabetical correlate between the 2, browse always tin enhance environmental quality, environmental risk transfer, the development of circular economy to market-based product innovation to accomplish recycling a win-win economic and financial innovation.
banking and fund treatment companies in China should be developed environmental productions such funds in array to boost the evolution of circular economic and preserving the ecological poise of the investment.
attempt to publish fiscal bonds green. fiscal bond liquidity, funding capacity, higher efficiency. issuance of monetary bonds to absorb the green is relatively stable and long-term funds, then into the social benefits of good loans for environmental projects and eco-projects, and projects to meet these affair absences for funds.
aboard the capacity of the environment, the western region is relatively better than the eastern region,shenzhen massage, very much wish that this part of the State industrial convey and bank credit funds because their support. Therefore, to enhance the upgrading of industrial framework, based on environmental carrying capacity in another parts of the another industrial transfer and credit funds to appliance the re-allocation namely the banking sector altitude priority. Bank productivity of industry in this re-configuration process, the Building healthy and sustainable development of the economy melodrama an irreplaceable role.
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